Why Your Marketing Partner’s Pedigree Matters

Hiring a marketing consultant or agency based on the power of a sales pitch is akin to hiring an airplane pilot based on how sharp his uniform looks. This limited amount of information provides you with little to no idea of whether this person can actually help your business soar. Unfortunately, too many small to mid-size companies hire marketing partners without first taking a close look at their credentials and pedigree.

In fact, quite a few of our current clients hired us to help them rebound from consultants who did not live up to their slick sales pitches. For example, before working with TBGA, one of our clients hired a senior marketing consultant who used his fun, personable attitude to win them over. Their entrepreneurial environment required a consultant who could establish metrics, set priorities based on ROI, push his priorities throughout the organization, and most importantly execute on the plan. He always seemed to be working hard, but in the end, it turned out that he was just spinning everyone’s wheels. There were no quantifiable results to speak of.

The consultant was in over his head. He was frustrated, the client was disappointed, and neither party walked away happy. Although we were grateful to have an opportunity to fix the resulting mess, we want you to get it right on the first try.

Pedigree Matters

Pedigree is not about any experience; it is about the right experience. You need to make sure a candidate’s experience will dovetail with your unique needs. Ivy League MBAs, previous jobs at blue chip companies, firm handshakes should never be the sole reason you hire a consultant.

If you do not know exactly what you need, you should hire a consultant who can help you identify them. When looking at a partners track record, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Has this partner ever spearheaded the launch of a new business or product line?
  • Does this partner typically have access to a large budget, or is he or she an expert at maximizing minimal resources?
  • Has this partner ever built and led a marketing team, or do they typically work in isolation?
  • How do they measure success?

At the very least, your consultant should have experience working at companies that resemble your own, carrying out tasks similar to the ones you have in store, and delivering the real-life results you want to see.

Culture Is Also Important

When considering a marketing partner, look for a hands-on team of collaborators that do not simply give advice from the sidelines. This should begin at the inception of your relationship by setting clear objectives and diving in to build solutions that meet those objectives.

Your partners should constantly strive to be on the cutting edge — proactively seeking new research, new technology angles, and new information. They should utilize modern-day tools and tactics that will help us deliver the results you desire.

Our roster of marketing experts is deep and diverse. We provide more than a savvy sales pitch; we provide proven marketing expertise that will help accelerate your growth. If we do not meet your objectives, it is probably because we have exceeded them. If you are searching for a partner who is a passionate, determined problem solver with a proven track record of success, contact us today for a one-hour consultation.